Warning, Do Not Go There
Orillia Water Light and Power would stand me on the end of the town dock during power outages so cruisers wouldn’t drive into the side of the Legion in the fog or the dark of night.
Read moreJim Foster columns
Orillia Water Light and Power would stand me on the end of the town dock during power outages so cruisers wouldn’t drive into the side of the Legion in the fog or the dark of night.
Read moreThen there was that sunny afternoon when Cleopatra floated down the Nile with her bare feet dangling over the side of the Royal barge
Read moreI’m not sure if the Gideon Society realizes their main contribution to the hotel industry is not the saving of souls but…
Read moreThis scientific wonder can tell me my heart rate, my blood pressure and even the time of the month when I am most fertile.
Read moreNot to sound scholarly, but I wonder if it is just the inevitable evolution of the English language caused by the influx of other cultures and we might as well get used to it.
Read moreIt was a marvelous ball, except the band failed to show and everyone danced to a Cape Breton fiddler who only knew one song and even that one, not too well.
Read moreGranted the ugly duckling did turn into a beautiful swan, but he later died in the Copenhagen Zoo when the crocodile sharing his pond fancied a fowl supper.
Read moreWouldn’t that be a waste of a Viagra pill? And there’s no money back guarantee on those suckers you know.
Read moreGetting turned down after waiting all year can be a little off-putting. I know it used to bother me.
Read moreI avoid the subject with several of my friends too since it is but a pleasant memory for most of them and is no doubt a blessing for their wives.
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