The Funny Side Of Conflict
I know a disgusting joke about King Billy on a white horse and would tell it here but John, my esteemed editor, would only chop it so why bother?
Read moreJim Foster columns
I know a disgusting joke about King Billy on a white horse and would tell it here but John, my esteemed editor, would only chop it so why bother?
Read moreNow I’m not saying that something bad is going to happen but if I were you I would stick close to home…
Read moreWhere am I going with all this? I haven’t a clue.
Read moreI guess it is time for Orillians to move into the future, to revamp our image of how the Sunshine City is seen by the rest of the world.
Read moreHaving put several thousand colorectal surgeons out of work I must now move on.
Read moreI once dated a girl name Cecilia. She had a curfew but that didn’t matter because her mother never knew if she was out or not.
Read moreHis most famous poem was The Daffodils, a piece of crap every captive school child has had to recite since he wrote the damn thing in 1807.
Read moreI am afraid using the lyrics of a song to describe your love may not be advisable in every circumstance and failure to examine the words closely could lead to serious injury, possibly death.
Read moreFor the gentleman out there, I wouldn’t mention your life-long interest in pornography unless the lady across the table looks strangely familiar.
Read moreHe is also a minimalist. I thought that was a stupid thing to put in a dating ad until I realized he was not complaining about what he looks like naked.
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