A Christmas Story
That isn’t part of the story either. That is what we story tellers call useless information just like the stuff our representatives at Queens Park and Ottawa send every year in their Christmas messages.
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That isn’t part of the story either. That is what we story tellers call useless information just like the stuff our representatives at Queens Park and Ottawa send every year in their Christmas messages.
Read morePass along your good idea.
Read moreShareBy John Swartz Orillia will be the host community for the 2024 Ontario 55+ Winter Games. It will be a
Read moreOnce a subtotal is established and semifinalists selected then the residency of the submitting artist comes into play.
Read moreFortunately our dear friend, Faye Peters, noticed my predicament and called it to my attention quietly so that only Gary, her beloved, my dear wife, and a few hundred other bathers were aware of my embarrassment.
Read moreI’m embarrassed none of the dozen or so artists I know personally, and you do too, who are imaginative and capable of meeting the specifications for workmanship weren’t on the selection list – and everyone connected with handing that much money out should be too.
Read moreA second piece of good news from the conference was an agreement by 150 countries to reduce methane emissions by at least 30% by 2030.
Read moreThe province’s continued degradation of long-term care and paramedic services take $707,999 out of the property tax levy. An $83,000 cut to children’s services will just go unfunded.
Read moreShareA local resident’s boat was stolen from an unsecured lot near Pride Marina in Forest Home between 1:14 and 1:27
Read moreNone of the artists are from Orillia with two being from Quebec, two from Toronto, one from British Columbia and one undetermined residency other than Canada.
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