This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

… when Mississaga Street is closed on Friday and Saturday nights (starting June 30) these guitars and all the other pieces just makes the night out better.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

Once a subtotal is established and semifinalists selected then the residency of the submitting artist comes into play.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

On hindsight, I don’t know why I didn’t stay to see how he managed. I did say good luck as I handed off the headset.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

We finally get to see Reay perform in Orillia. It happens March 7 at the Geneva.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

We need a handy knick-name for the new Orillia & District Arts Council and OMAH Orillia Regional Arts & Heritage Awards nominations.

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