Won’t Somebody Please Think Of The Dogs?
We can’t just haul out a facecloth in the middle of the 23rd Psalm and start scrubbing away.
Read moreJim Foster columns
We can’t just haul out a facecloth in the middle of the 23rd Psalm and start scrubbing away.
Read moreOn the way home he dropped off at the armouries and tried to re-enlist.
Read moreJust as we were starting to think that maybe this stuff was getting a little far-fetched, the poor slob got caught again.
Read moreThe decision to switch in the first place was not well-planned and you will note that no politician is bragging about being responsible for such a dumb decision.
Read moreI remember Bob for the strapping but also because the teacher said he would be the first Grade 8 pupil to vote. Bob fooled him and is now high up in Doug Ford`s cabinet.
Read moreI was never asked to sing again
Read moreYou would think by now I would have become more aware of what is stylish and what combination makes a man look like an unmade bed.
Read more…what I didn’t understand was that Dries weren’t against drinking alcohol if someone else was paying for it.
Read moreAnd was what was supposedly said on some auspicious occasion really what was said?
Read moreWith all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
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