On Comedy, It’s Not For The Thin-Skinned
Nobody is asking you to buy tickets to something that offends you. You simply don’t go.
Read moreJim Foster columns
Nobody is asking you to buy tickets to something that offends you. You simply don’t go.
Read moreParis was a Trojan, although he refused to wear one.
Read moreOddly enough no one seemed all that interested, even when I took my shirt off and fanned my armpits in the general direction of the Food Court.
Read moreAs I am sure you know, it is required by terms of the British North America Act that the brighter citizens of Ontario travel to Manitoba every few years to bring some measure of civilization to that backward province.
Read moreAnd Goliath did flee like the wind crying out, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” and disappearethed o’er the mountaintop. Lo, didst David flang a day-old bagel and it also disappearethed o’er the crest.
Read moreInstead of their top guns working on isosceles triangles, squared hypotenuses and the weight of bodies immersed in water, someone should have been thinking long and hard about zippers.
Read moreShareA Geezer’s Notebook, By Jim Foster Now I am all in favour of keeping the public safe from injuries. I
Read moreOne night I fell off the stage and nobody knew I was gone until the janitorial staff vacuumed me up in the morning.
Read moreYes my friends, so many great Canadians. We are a race set apart by God because we are different – and we are different.
Read moreOh sure, sometimes our inventors distinguish themselves and make a fortune. But always by accident…
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