This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment
ShareBy John Swartz So the first Christmas concert happens Saturday evening, November 30 and it snowed for the first time
Read moreShareBy John Swartz So the first Christmas concert happens Saturday evening, November 30 and it snowed for the first time
Read moreShareBy John Swartz Zachary Lucky made a post on Facebook a week and half after the November 1 release of
Read moreThe awards are presented by North Simcoe Arts (formerly ODAC) and the Orillia Museum of Art and History and are free to attend.
Read more“Look, he’s not talking to some jerk on the other line right now; he’s talking to me… What do you mean it’s the same thing?”
Read moreDo you think Southeby’s could have gotten more for any of Gord’s guitars? Does the moon have craters?
Read moreShareBy John Swartz Orillia Council meets early Monday November 18 at 12:30 p.m. because they have a Public Meeting on
Read moreThis concert came right in the middle of Lightfoot Days, so my plan was to stay until they did the first piece of the second half.
Read moreMy first thought was perhaps a lonely bachelor had just finished off a bottle of Bombay gin and realized another evening was over and once again love had passed him by and…
Read moreNovember 17 is Gord’s birthday. The committee is hosting a party at Brewery Bay Food Company at 1 p.m.
Read moreTerry Fox Circle repaving, $515K (from reserves). This will repave the circle and expand the roadway nearest the water to allow barriers between traffic and the trail.
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