This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

ShareBy John Swartz The Arts Orillia Gathering Festival of First Nations Stories is happening at the Rama Community Hall May

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

ShareBy John Swartz I’ve been known to say go big or go home when it comes to paintings and Cloud

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

Rick did the concert two more times last Monday, once with the OCB at Leacock Retirement Lodge and then by himself at Atrium Retirement Residence.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

The Cellars became one of the great musical groups in Canada and we are fortunate to have them right here in Orillia, and were fortunate to have Albert leading them. Many communities wish they had an Albert Greer.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

In the first half they did one cover everyone knows, Gord’s Song for a Winter’s Night. They didn’t say which one they were going to do, just that they felt they needed to sing something of his.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

I think people in the arts, or members of performing or arts groups should really consider becoming members of ODAC and contribute to ODAC becoming something that benefits you.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

He is holding out hope his art made of appreciation for the history of Orillia will be restored to its home.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

See, I told we weren’t done with tributes to Gord.

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