This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

ShareBy John Swartz The Arts Orillia Gathering Festival of First Nations Stories is happening at the Rama Community Hall May

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

However, when the City had $276,000 on the line in 2022 and picked all but one of the artists who got commissions from outside the Orillia area, we were told preference to a group of artists was not allowed under City policy.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

In the first half they did one cover everyone knows, Gord’s Song for a Winter’s Night. They didn’t say which one they were going to do, just that they felt they needed to sing something of his.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

While it usually helps to know what the story line is… you really don’t need to know the minutia of the plot.

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