This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment
… when Mississaga Street is closed on Friday and Saturday nights (starting June 30) these guitars and all the other pieces just makes the night out better.
Read more… when Mississaga Street is closed on Friday and Saturday nights (starting June 30) these guitars and all the other pieces just makes the night out better.
Read more…my angle of listening and view put the lower brass and middle voices in the line of fire and holy cow are they ever good.
Read moreSUNonline/Orillia has two tickets to give away to the June 24 concert. Answer these three questions:
Read moreStep one is having Pandas as adoptive parents who constantly forget they are holding a baby and don’t even notice the thud.
Read moreSee, I told we weren’t done with tributes to Gord.
Read moreI think the university outdid itself this year with their choices. There have been many great ones over the years, but not a trio of great ones all at once.
Read moreThe audience, sold out, was eating this show up. Particularly the faster tempo, rock tunes.
Read moreThe William Swinimer Business Leader of the Year Awards happened earlier in the week and heartfelt congratulations to Steve Orr,…
Read moreI understand the reason Gord cancelled a bunch of shows with a cryptic, ‘recovering’ statement is not because of any life-threatening illness or event.
Read moreThe good news, Norm Foster will be on stage for his own Old Love, starting August 18.
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