Men Get All The Glory
Paris was a Trojan, although he refused to wear one.
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Paris was a Trojan, although he refused to wear one.
Read moreLiz Schamehorn update: just when she was able to have visitors, her daughter, Jennifer tested positive, so Liz in isolation for 5 days.
Read moreShareBy John Swartz The Orillia Recreation Centre, which has been in use since the fall of 2020, has a grand
Read moreShareBy John Swartz The 22nd Orillia Classic Car Show had perfect weather for 350 people to show off their cars,
Read moreOddly enough no one seemed all that interested, even when I took my shirt off and fanned my armpits in the general direction of the Food Court.
Read moreThe good news, Norm Foster will be on stage for his own Old Love, starting August 18.
Read moreIt is anticipated that once the change order for the contract is executed by both parties, JBE will remobilize its workforces and be onsite within a week.
Read moreAlso, beginning August 19 council will be restricted from taking certain actions regarding appointments and spending authorizations.
Read moreShareOrillia OPP are requesting the assistance of the public locating an Orillia man, last seen on July 29. On August
Read moreAs I am sure you know, it is required by terms of the British North America Act that the brighter citizens of Ontario travel to Manitoba every few years to bring some measure of civilization to that backward province.
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