City Energy Financing Program Survey

By John Swartz

Press Release

Property owners in Orillia are invited to provide input about a community energy efficiency financing program using an online survey.

This potential program would allow property owners to make home energy upgrades by providing accessible financing options. The City of Orillia is exploring the implementation of the program through a comprehensive feasibility study.

The City invites all Orillia property owners to participate in the short survey to better understand experiences with home energy upgrades, attitudes towards energy efficiency, and comfort levels when considering financing options for these upgrades. The survey is open until Aug. 31.

Survey responses are anonymous. The data collected will be analyzed as part of the feasibility study to inform Council’s decision making regarding development of an energy efficiency financing program.

The community energy efficiency financing program feasibility study is a key component of the implementation of the City’s Climate Change Action Plan, Orillia’s Climate Future. If you require the survey in an alternative format, please contact Renee Recoskie at

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