Sustainable Orillia’s Tip Of The Week

Newest tips on top, check in every Saturday morning for new tips. If you have an idea to reduce waste, treat the environment better, or reduce carbon footprint that works, send it to with the subject line: I've Got A Tip.

Take Orillia Transit or plan to carpool at least a couple of days a week. If possible ride your bicycle to work. Walk, even. Get some exercise—your body will thank you.
Driving to Toronto often? Take the GO bus or the GO train from Barrie instead. The new LINX bus will take you to Barrie for $4. It goes every 50 minutes between 6 am and 6 pm.
Learn how to connect with Toronto subways and buses. Leave the driving to someone else. The average family spends 20% of their family income on transportation. This means that reducing use of our cars can save us thousands of dollars each year.
Transportation is the source of 25% of our carbon emissions in Canada. So we’re saving money, but we’re also saving the planet. Let’s do it.