Clock/Sky Watchers Take Note

In politics 2 can equal 3, but in the real world on the first Sunday in March we move our clocks ahead one hour for Daylight Savings Time. Technically it happens at 2 a.m. Practicality suggests doing so before you go to bed tonight, or you might miss church.

Did you know Orillia was the second town in Canada to adopt Daylight Saving Time? We used to be regarded as the first (June 1912), immortalized by Stephen Leacock in Sunshine Sketches, but Port Arthur didn’t have as good a publicist (Charles Hale had the idea to use it here) and they started in July 1908. In fact, Port Arthur was the first in the world to adopt it. Council adopted it and Mayor William Frost was late for church the morning after the time change. Daylight Saving lasted all of two weeks before council reversed itself.

Monday evening has a Supermoon occurrence happening. This happens when the moon is the closer to Earth (26,610 km this time) in its orbit than average distance (384,400  km). There was one in January, and two more April 8 and May 7. Because of gravitational pull as the Moon and Earth travel around the Sun, The April Supermoon (348 km closer) will make the moon look even bigger in April than it will Monday night. The record closest the Moon has been to Earth was January 12, 1912 at 356,378 km.


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