This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment
You may have noticed I rarely write about what I call clone bands in this space.
Read moreYou may have noticed I rarely write about what I call clone bands in this space.
Read moreThe whole thing is awkward – except for being able to see someone you may not have seen since last summer’s pedestrian mall.
Read moreI want to shout something from the peanut gallery about how inane they sound.
Read moreIt’s called the Mariposa Incubator Series for Emerging Artists, so it’s a learning exercise and I can assure you listening to Lance Anderson talk about the do’s and don’t’s of being on stage will be enlightening.
Read moreTelus said, we can help with that, and gave ODAC a grant of $10,000 from their Friendly Future Foundation.
Read moreShareBy John Swartz The third installment of the Friday night pedestrian mall on Mississaga Street and the Arts District block
Read moreGet your keyboard cleaned up, unstick the keys, and get ready to nominate someone.
Read more