This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

I think everyone who was there should realize they saw Dmytro before he becomes Dmytro.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

You can catch all three of our high schools performing on Tuesday. OSS bands perform on all three days.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment – Part Two

Also appearing is Milli Schop, who you may recall I mentioned once or twice as being a fantastic singer.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

It makes me happy to be able to write about these bands and be able to consider intricate details of what is occurring instead of trying to find the right words to say, ‘well, they’re trying.’

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

If you haven’t been, it’s fun, but beware the MC will probably find you and have some fun in a rude kind of way.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

Many large music ensembles program their events with an easy tune or two off the top so everyone can catch a stride with long notes, moderate tempos, lots of time to warm up the lips and listen to each other for blend and balance. Not these folks.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

I think setting up a recording studio is an excellent idea and having spent a lot of time in studios working on videos and music I can vouch for how it can eat time like you wouldn’t believe.

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