This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment
And I thought the issue with trombone players was keeping them focussed on rehearsal.
Read moreAnd I thought the issue with trombone players was keeping them focussed on rehearsal.
Read moreThe good news, Norm Foster will be on stage for his own Old Love, starting August 18.
Read moreWhat seemed like was off in the distance is, holy crap, this weekend.
Read moreJake was next and instead of ramming a bunch of notes all over his set like every other drummer on the planet would do, he played a snippet of a tune on a small set of orchestra bells.
Read moreSteel Magnolias runs to April 30 with 2 p.m. matinees on Sundays, plus a matinee this Saturday.
Read moreI think the genius of this concert series, and the tribute shows Lance puts together is not just picking great musicians for the bands, but matching tunes to the qualities and capabilities of the singers, and then ordering the tunes in a way that drags your adrenaline along whether you want it to or not.
Read moreIf we don’t civilized society is dead and the movie Idiocracy becomes a documentary.
Read moreLance always seems to find singers who can steal the show. This time Lance has Selena Evangeline playing microphone.
Read moreI don’t think anyone could ever accuse Parton of not being self aware of her place in the grand scheme of things, music or otherwise.
Read moreAs a reader and friend pointed, you never see these things when it’s about sports, they just open the treasury doors, so doing the survey is important.
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