This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

The whole list strikes me as a bunch of writers trying to out-hip and out-cool the other contributors to the list by picking the most obscure or counter intuitive names they could come up with.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

… with more accounting to do, they made more than $18,500 on the night which will be split between the youth centre and Rama Youth Services.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

The good news, Norm Foster will be on stage for his own Old Love, starting August 18.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

While skaters seem to miss every musical cue they skate to, Williams reinforced the literal and metaphorical cues of the text

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

The mayor, the old one, or current one, will be there to cut the, if you thought I was going to say ribbon, you are right.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

OMAH just got a grant for a pile of money from the province’s Community Building Fund (Ontario Trillium Foundation). The $96,900 will be used for staff and upgrading the museum’s online collections management system and programming.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

Across Coldwater Street there are some sideways glances to observe, but I had a beer there when Ronnie Douglas playing.

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This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment

Together they sound at times like a much bigger band and no two tunes are of the same style.

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