This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment
By John Swartz
Welcome to part two of this week’s column. Here’s what happened. The day was favourably broken up and there was a concert in the evening looming. I wanted to get the column done early enough to give people a chance to go to the concert if they decided to fill avoid in their Friday evening.
When the do or die hour arrived it was an easy decision to split the column this week. Frankly, I’ve been considering splitting the Shorts off to it’s own post anyway. What do you think? Split the column or keep both parts together? Send an email to
The concert was fantastic and you can read about it next week.

The Shorts
- Sustainable Orillia has a fundraising concert happening Sunday at 2 p.m. with Rick Fines. Rick was nominated for a Best Blues Album Juno, and has been nominated for a Maple Blues Award and a Canadian Folk Music Award. I’ve seen Rick several times and not only are his songs very good, his between songs stories are humourous. There are still tickets left and you can get them online.

- The Orillia Public Library is launching the annual Big Read program. This year’s selection is I Only Read Murder by Ian Ferguson and Will Ferugson. Is it a Crime Novel or a comedy. Knowing Ian and Will it’s likely more comedy. Both are Leacock Medal for Humour winners. I can just picture those two writing together. “I’m finished with chapter one.” “No you’re not.” “Yes I am.” No you’re not.” And so on. Both Ian and Will be at the library Monday, Oct. 2 at 7 p.m. for you – and I guarantee it – entertainment. Register to attend (it’s free). They’ll be signing copies of their book, and if you don’t have one. The folks from Manticore Books will be there with some to buy.
- The annual Images Thanksgiving Studio Tour is happening sooner than you think. Can you believe it? It’s the 40thannual tour. You can find a map and artist details online.

- Congratulations to Bob Hawkins and his band for being nominated as Covenant Award Country Artist of the Year for the annual Gospel Music Association of Canada. The award winners will be announced at a Nov. 17/18 event in Kitchener. Bob and the band have put out some tunes on Youtube. Also Congratulations to Xavier Fernandes for a nomination as Designer of the Year for the album cover design.
- The Orillia Concert Association series remains one of the best deals just about anywhere. Season passes for all 5 concerts are still only $90. They are available online. The Stratton Soloists ensemble opens the series Oct. 29, pianist Daniel Vnukowski performs Nov. 26, the Chris Robinson / Will Davis Quartet plays Jan. 28, James Campbell and Angela Park perform March 24, and Ensemble Vivant closes the series May 5.
- The Orillia Museum of Art and History has a fundraising concert Oct. 28 at St. Paul’s Centre. Top of the bill performers are Jacquie Dancyger Arnold and Hugh Coleman. Blair Bailey is the MC, and Ross Arnold, Laura Kelly and Gail Spencer are also performing. The first half of the concert is Classical music, the second Jazz. You can get tickets online.
- The Washago Lions are doing Oktoberfest at the Washago Community Centre Oct. 14. The music starts at 5:30 p.m. with Outcast. Not that Outcast, thisw one is a brass band playing Polkas. Admission is $10 and they have Sausages, cabbage rolls, and other German food.
- The Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Foundation annual gala is Nov. 18 at Casino Rama. The event is moving into the Entertainment Centre, so there’s more room for more people. It’s in there because the entertainment is Cirque Under the Stars. There is an online auction tied to the fundraiser (wait until Nov. 10 to bid). Tickets are available online.
- Mariposa’s third annual outdoor autumn concert features Aysanabee, Aleksi Campagne, Angelique and My Son The Hurricane. It’s Oct. 14 at ODAS Park and you can get tickets online. Lance Anderson is recreating the 60 in 60 concert he did at last year’s Mariposa Folk Festival on Nov. 18 at the Opera House. It’s been expanded to a 90 minute show and Matt Weidinger, Quisha Wint, Selena Evangeline Mike Daley (guitar, mandolin, vocals), Wayne Deadder (guitar and vocals) Russ Boswell (bass) Bucky Berger (drums) will be performing with Lance. You can get those tickets online.
- St. Paul’s Centre has a slate of concerts happening. Tommy Youngsteen will be back in town, this time to do Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours album Oct. 13; Matthew Good is in Oct. 19 and Sloan’s Chris Murphy is in Nov. 16; the Skydiggers will be in Dec. 14 for a Christmas concert. You can find tickets for all those online (Youngsteen tickets here) Tickets for The Orillia Big Band at St. Paul’s Sept. 30 are on sale at the St. Paul’s office.
- Tangents is organizing a Halloween concert/fundraiser for the Comfie Cat Shelter at St. Paul’s Centre. Joining them are Dead Beyond Fear and Get ‘N Dirty. Its Oct. 28 at 12:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 for this all-ages event and you can get them online. The music is metal and there will be vendors and grub. Wear your costume.
- Cloud Gallery has their fall series of exhibits returning; starting October 21. Each show will run two weeks with opening night receptions (6 to 9 p.m.). First are Lori Meeboer and Jennifer Woodburn; next is Julie Veenstra (November 4); Patricia Clemmens has her work up November 25 (all artists in the gallery) and December 9 it’s a group show with many of the artists represented by the gallery in attendance… The Orillia Museum of Art and History has three new exhibits 50 Years Of Mariposa Arts Theatre, A Close up on Carmichael (showcasing OMAH’s collection of related items) and Jennifer Zardo’s Home Sweet Home. Ted Fullerton’s The Serpent’s Egg is out thend of next week to make room for the annual Canadian Landscape juried art show; meanwhile in the basement see The Orillia Police And The Sir Sam Steele Memorial Building… St. Paul’s Centre has the Call to Action 83 Art Project in the Ogimaa Miskwaaki Gallery.
MAT's Susan Canfield presents OMAH's Tanya Cunnington with a specially created theatrical playbill in front of artist Jennifer Zardo's art
- Quayle’s Brewery has Ron Whitman in to play Sept. 30; Jess Bowman plays early afternoon Oct. 1 and Mark thackway the latter part; Ron Whitman is back Oct. 5; Matt Payne is in Oct. 6 and Andrew is in the afternoon of Oct. 7 with Jakob Pearce in for the evening… Jakob Pearce is playing at Ktchn at the Braestone Club Sept. 30… Couchiching Craft Brewing continues their Rocktoberfest series with Rick Robichaud and his band in Sept. 30; Oct. 4 have fun with Couch’s German Spelling Bee Oct. 4; The Offcuts are in Oct. 6; Cam Galloway Oct. 7 and Chris Lemay Oct. 8
(Photos by Swartz – SUNonline/Orillia and Images Supplied) Main: Rick Fines performs at the Opera House Sunday afternoon.