Lions Club Raising Funds for Dog Guides
By John Swartz
The Friends of Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides has the annual Walk for Guide Dogs happening September 24 at Tudhope Park.
This fundraiser helps Dog Guides of Canada with costs of training dogs at their Oakville school to aid people with disabilities. Traditionally, dog guides helped visually and then hearing impaired people with daily tasks and to give warning of dangerous situations. The role of dog guides has expanded to also provide for those with medical and physical disabilities, epilepsy, autism, diabetes with similar tasks, and for professional agencies assisting people in traumatic situations.

Recipients of dog guides get financial help with the upkeep of their dog guides (e.g. vet visits and care) and there is no government funding. Instead, the service is funded by Lions Clubs of Canada with events like the Pet Valu Walk.
The fundraiser is being held in many Ontario Locations and Orillia is currently the leader in pledged sponsors at $2,895.
Walkers can register at 10 a.m. for the 11 a.m. start on the day of. Visit online to get pledge forms and more information.
(Photos by Swartz- SUNonline / Orillia) Main: Gaelen Swartz with his dog guide, Gwen.