Annual Battery Collection Next Week
By John Swartz
Every year the City of Orillia has a special collection of used batteries. Putting batteries in regular garbage means they end up in the landfill and corrosive chemicals materials leak into the ground and get into the water table.

They will take all sizes of batteries from buttons (watch batteries) to 9 volt batteries on your regular collection day from November 7 to 12 (Friday is Remembrance Day and there is no pick up). Put them in a clear plastic bag and put it on top of your paper recycling box on your usual garbage day.
Two other things to keep in mind for that week; clocks go back one hour on November 6 so you get an extra hour to rush out to the curb in the nick of time.
It’s also the time of year to check your smoke and CO alarms which you should be doing each time we go from standard to daylight time, so leave room in the bag for one more battery.
The battery pickup does not apply to business and apartment building garbage pickups. Anyone can take batteries to the hazardous waste area of the landfill year round.
(Images Supplied)