Electric Vehicle Weekend At ODAS Park
By Dave Vanalstyne – Special to SUNonline/Orillia
Are high gas prices hitting your pocketbook? Have you considered buying an electric vehicle? Are you interested in seeing the latest in e-bikes, bicycles, and electric scooters?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then mark Saturday and Sunday, September 17 and 18, in your calendars when Sustainable Orillia will be hosting an All Vehicles Electric Weekend at Building 1 of Orillia Fairgrounds.
You may be aware that Orillia City Council has recently approved a Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) in response to the climate crisis. One of the three big items described in the plan is reducing emissions from transportation by encouraging a switch to electric vehicles and by encouraging alternative forms of transportation—transit, cycling and walking. For many, e-bikes may be an attractive alternative to taking the car.
Sustainable Orillia has produced several Electric Vehicle events over the last three years, often featuring local EV owners who display their cars and talk about their experiences. This year, we have invited local vendors to participate in our All Vehicles Electric Weekend. This year Kia Orillia, Jackie Ramler of Raymond James Executive Wealth Advisors, Ltd. (Barrie) and the CIBC, recognizing changes are on the way, are sponsoring the event.
Participating vendors are Orillia Kia, Subaru of Orillia, Orillia Volkswagen, EV Net {specializing in used EVs), Orillia Motor Sports, Super E Bikes, The Bike Stop, Plug’n Drive and the EV Society. An electric personal watercraft will also be on display.

This event will also provide attendees with an opportunity to test drive one of three electric vehicles provided by Plug’n Drive.
Electric vehicles are becoming more popular as a broader array of models and price points becomes available. Our event will provide information about policies and incentive programs which make EVs increasingly affordable. Their affordability is also a result of comparatively low maintenance costs during the life of the vehicle.
Several short talks over the two days will be of interest to those considering an EV—purchasing an EV, home charging, how to find charging stations on road trips, and the expected expansion of the charging network to meet the demands of EV owners. Hear the experiences and see the enthusiasm of local EV owners.
Attendees can also fill out a draw ticket for the opportunity to win a gift certificate from Fairfield by Marriott for a one-night hotel stay including breakfast. Some vendors may also be offering discounts during the show. The draw for the hotel stay will take place after the close of Sunday’s portion of the event.
Doors will be open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday and on Sunday from 10 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
(Photo Supplied)