Traffic And Parking Study Survey Results
By John Swartz
Results from an online survey in October about Orillia’s traffic and parking in the downtown and on the waterfront have been incorporated into an information session presentation happening Tuesday, November 30, from 4 to 7 p.m. The presentation itself is online. There is no need to register beforehand, just click the link on the City’s website to join.

The study area is larger than just the downtown, bordered by Borland Street on the north and King Street on the south, the study includes everything from where and how much parking is available to how much it costs. Traffic management is also part of the study. Future street reconstruction projects will depend on this information.

Details of Orillia’s current parking situation, the findings of this Downtown and Waterfront Area Traffic and Parking Study can be found on the City’s website. A recording of the information session will also be posted there as well, so people who cannot participate today will still be able to view the presentation; feedback is still wanted and comments can be sent to the City’s transportation technologist, Lisa Dobson at

(Photos by Swartz – SUNonline/Orillia)