Council Preview
By John Swartz
Monday night’s Orillia council regular meeting at 7 p.m. begins with a couple deputations. The first, by Anne McCourt, provides information on, and requesting, the City join Mayors For Peace.
The organization is international and 108 Canadian cities have joined already. In 2003 the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation set a goal to ban nuclear weapons by 2020. Almost 8,000 cities world-wide are members. McCourt says membership is 2000 Yen, or about $25, to join and cities must undertake to promote peace related activities.
The second deputation is about the Orillia Tool Library and Makerspace. Matt Thompson, Braden O’Neill and Ryan Dibisch are looking for a location. They have a number of tools (thickness sanding and edge sanding machines, wood jointer, bandsaw, two kilns and large3D printer) donated by the Ontario College of Art & Design, as well as other tools offered.
MTO – West Street Bridge
The ministry of transportation responded to a request from the City to include a barrier to separate the pedestrian walkway from the bike lane on the design of the replacement bridge. This is a safety feature councillor Tim Lauer wanted included.

The MTO response is:
“It is not Ministry practice to separate sidewalks from the through traffic on a bridge by a barrier. There would typically be a 1 .5 metre shoulder between the edge of the driving lane and the sidewalk for this class of roadway and design speed. This is in keeping with the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code and the MTO Structural Manual and Bridge Office Design Bulletins and/or Guidelines. We would also like to point out that even though the bike lanes are provided on both sides of the bridge, some cyclists will still use the sidewalk, for this reason, the design includes a higher railing on both parapet walls to ensure safety of cyclists. Should the City wish to pursue a barrier on the bridge between the pedestrian sidewalk and the edge of the bike Jane the City will be asked to pay all additional costs associated with the inclusion of the barrier. The cost would include the wider bridge, barrier walls & end treatments.”
Notice of Motion
Councillor Ted Emond has a notice of motion for the City to support the Couchiching Health Team’s application to become a full Ontario Health Team. He also wants to have appointment positions of Orillia transit and active transportation committees have one seat on each dedicated to a person from the Couchiching Health Team.
Consent Agenda
There are a number of interesting items included. The agenda may get passed as is, including recommended action, or items may get pulled for discussion or different direction.
The Ontario ministry of natural resources and forestry is advising municipalities about changes to the Aggregate Resources Act to tighten protection of water and depth of pits, removal of local zoning applying to Crown land, and allow municipalities to object to applications among other things. The ministry is asking for input and while this may not be of particular interest to those in Orillia, it most certainly is to those living in the surrounding townships.
Lakehead University has an update on its Orillia Sports Dome and Baseball Complex Feasibility Study. So far they have found there is desire to build a recreation facility that include health services, student social meeting space and research and teaching space. They are in the 4th of a 5 phase study.

Jimi McKee is offering to donate to the City a number of paintings and 6 sculptures made from patterns salvaged from Door Oliver. He says Sotheby’s valued the work at $5,000 several years ago.
The Couchiching Golf and Country Club has a 2020 budget request of the City:
“The City of Orillia provide the Couchiching Golf & Country Club with an annual payment of $12,000.00 per annum for as long as the toboggan hill remains available for use by the citizens of Orillia.” They state the cost of maintaining the golf course is increasing to the point of threatening the viability of the club.
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