OSMH Gets Two Cheques

Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Foundation received two donations recently. Paul and Patrick Sheridan donated $10,000 in memory of their parents Dick and Phyllis Sheridan.

The gift will be used for equipment in a patient room in the new in-patient unit. The new unit is for those who are heading toward another type of care, such as long-term or retirement homes.  Dick Sheridan was the founder of Sheridan Seating. He and his wife were active members of the community.

And, the Mariposa Inn hosted a New Year’s Eve fundraiser for the third year. The latest resulted in a donation of $6,813. In total they have raised $15,000 for the hospital.

Organizers of the Mariposa Inn  New Year’s Eve Disco Inferno  present a cheque for $6,813 to the OSMH Foundation


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