Experts On Heat Pumps
A competent installer, after determining there’s adequate electrical capacity in the house, will consider the age of the current furnace and how it matches with a new heat pump.
Read moreA competent installer, after determining there’s adequate electrical capacity in the house, will consider the age of the current furnace and how it matches with a new heat pump.
Read moreEveryone is welcome. There’ll be pizza at the end and-we’ll all be home in time for the Super Bowl.
Read moreBattery technology is currently a very hot topic, with research into new types of batteries occurring at a torrid pace.
Read moreYou may have your own sustainability projects and priorities in mind, projects that will fit within the Sustainable Orillia mandate and which may benefit from SO funding, communications and resourcing.
Read moreMcIsaac believes good progress has been made on a number of fronts; however, he strongly emphasized the need to take more action and to take it further
Read moreIt appears, however, the lack of action to date by national and state or provincial governments—including Canada’s—means a much higher rise in temperature is likely.
Read moreSome contractors may claim heat pumps don’t work well in Orillia’s climate and are still interested in installing gas equipment. But, there are an increasing number of installers experienced in heat pumps.
Read moreShareBy Gord Ball – Special to SUNonline/Orillia As another Orillia winter approaches, many local cyclists are putting their bikes away
Read moreEven in years with lower revenues, the OPGC still made money. There are utilities that don’t make money.
Read moreThe SO report estimates that, by 2050, Orillia will need to produce an additional 62 MW of green electricity to offset residual carbon emissions from its other sources of electrical generation.
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