This Week In Art/Culture/Entertainment
By John Swartz
The Orillia Museum of Art and History is replacing three of its exhibits at the end of next week (one is already ending January 11) and preparing for an opening reception January 25 from 1 to 3 p.m..
So your last chance to see the annual Carmichael Landscape Show and Gillian Lowry’s Owl Pen Revisited is now.
Of the new exhibits, a sample of OMAH”s collection of art and artefacts from their collection will illustrate the Four Seasons in Orillia and it will be up until May 17.
Next is a solo exhibit of work by Nathalie Bertin called Loup Garou and Mocassins. Moccasins are more than footwear, In Algonquin and Metis tradition they tell stories. In this show the art tells the story of a dozen stories in the Metis style of art.
Last is also a solo show of works by Harley Duck called, Behold A Man Who Is A Bean. Mediaeval art belonged to the aristocracy, Duck’s work goes the other way showing the mundane, the things of commoners.
The first History Speaker’s Night is January 15 at 7 p.m. Jessica is an OMAH board member, chair of the history committee, author, and creator of the Simcoe Curator Facebook page (and on Instagram). She’ll be speaking about archives, OMAH’s in particular, and the importance of them. It happens online and you can register and get login details here.
Hibernation Arts has some of Rodney Frost’s fabric creations to see, as well as some new stuff from the other artists who have their parts of the walls claimed.
Peter Street Fine Arts still has some pieces from the annual 6×6 Show to see and snag.
Cloud Gallery is featuring one of their 35 artists they represent in the Collection Corner. The artist of the moment is Tracy Bultje of Chatham, Ontario.

Stop by to have a look at Richard VanderMeer’s newest works. He’s at the end of the hall, 33 Mississauga Street East (Becker Shoes). I was in to chat before Christmas and discovered he now has a website.
The Shorts
- Blue Moon Junction is hosting a comedy night Jan. 25 with 9 comics and Samatha Windover playing some of her music. The comics are Gary Austin, Luke Lyndale, Munish Joshi, Sean Creighton, Allie Moore, Levi Mann, Pierce Hughes, Vince Carmichael and Matt Lund. You can get tickets online.
- The Orillia Concert Association’s next date is Jan. 25 with the Elmer Iseler Singers at 2:30 p.m. at the Opera House. Season tickets are $90 (this and the next two concerts included). You can get them at the door or by emailing or calling 705-325-3532. You can also get individual concert tickets online.
- Mariposa Arts Theatre is doing the comedy, The Thanksgiving Play, Feb. 6 to 16. You can get tickets online. Their next film night is Jan. 22 at the Galaxy with the comedy, Drive Back Home. They have The Outrun playing Jan. 29. You can get tickets ($10, $5 for students) at the door; showtimes are 4 and 7 p.m.
- The Gojijing Friendship Circle and St. Paul’s Centre has an evening of song and story called The Fire Still Burns Feb. 8. Music is by J.D. Crosstown, Guy Monague and Jakob Pearce and John Rice is the storyteller. Jeff Monague is the emcee. Admission is free, but donations are accepted.
- North Simcoe Arts have a series of dates every quarter for what they are calling Art and Culture Roundtables. The first is February 20 at Creative Nomad Studios. They are inviting representatives from area arts groups to attend. You can drop a note to that you are going.
- The Mariposa Folk Festival’s February Gospel and Blues concert is on Feb. 22. If you are wondering if Lance Anderson is leading this 13th version as he has always done, yes he is. He has Jimmy Bowskill and Selena Evangeline on the band roster. The main floor of Gord’s room has only 60 tickets left and balcony seats are on sale now.
- Couchiching Craft Brewing has Chris Lemay playing Jan. 11; Joe Garrisi Jan. 17; the Old Dance Hall Players do improv Jan 24 (tickets); Space Quaker and the Big Bad Jug Band are in Jan. 25… Quayle’s Brewery has the Power Boys (Sil Simone of Brass Transit and Joe Adamick) playing Jan. 11; Gen Cyr is in Jan. 17; Andrew Walker Jan. 18… the Hog ‘N Penny has a revolving cast of characters lead by Sean Patrick playing music every Saturday evening… the ANAF Club has an open mic every other Sunday starting January 12 at 2 p.m.; the Boat House Blues Band plays Jan. 11… Alex Rabbitson hosts the Brownstone is Closed! Closed Mic! At the Lone Wolf Café Jan. 18… Samantha Windover has a show on Valentine’s Day at the Washago Lions Hall; email or call 705-323-3383 for tickets ($15).
(Photos by Swartz – SUNonline/Orillia and Images Supplied) Main: This week is the last chance to see the annual Carmichael Landscape Show – Tradition Transformed at the Orillia museum of Art and History.