Orillia Boundary Expansion First Look
Press Release
The City of Orillia is hosting a virtual public open house on Tuesday, June 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. to inform the public of the following:
· Results of the updated Land Needs Assessment requested by Council on April 25, 2022.
· The scale and built form required if the City wishes to achieve higher intensification and greenfield density targets to help reduce the size of a future settlement area boundary expansion.
· A map identifying the best lands from a planning perspective for a future settlement area boundary expansion based on the results of the series of Technical Land Evaluation Reports.

The City of Orillia is working through its Municipal Comprehensive Review planning process and is in the process of determining the lands to accommodate the next 30 years of growth in the City.
Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to attend. Please share this with your community stakeholders. Register online for the June 20th virtual public open house. You can also sign up to receive regular updates as we move forward with the City’s MCR planning process and determining the lands for a future settlement area boundary expansion.
(Images Supplied)