Leacock Medal Finalists Announced
The president and board of directors of Stephen Leacock Associates announced the shortlist for the 2022 Stephen Leacock Memorial Medal for Humour.

In the running for the medal and $25,000 prize are in alphabetical order:
- Mark Critch for An Embarassment of Critch’s
- Dawn Dumont for The Prairie Chicken Dance Tour
- Rick Mercer for Talking to Canadians
“Books selected for the Stephen Leacock medal must be not only humorous but also well-written, showing style and depth. The three finalists this year meet those criteria without question,” said Leacock Associates president Michael Hill.
There were 78 books submitted for judging.
The winner will be announced on Saturday, September 17, at the Leacock Medal Gala Dinner . This is the first award dinner in three years, so the shortlisted authors from 2020 and 2021 will also be present. This year is the 75th anniversary of the Leacock Medal, and many other former winners will also be attending. Tickets for this event and for the “Meet the Authors” and Student Showcase event the previous evening are available online.
The Stephen Leacock Memorial Medal for Humour awards are sponsored by the Dunkley Charitable Foundation.

While the Leacock Associates are happy and proud to include Dawn Dumont as one of the finalists for the Leacock Medal in 2022, we are extremely concerned for the current safety of Ms. Dumont, who also goes by the name Dawn Walker. She and her son Vincent have been missing in Saskatchewan since July 22. Saskatoon police and the RCMP continue their on-going investigation.
(Images Supplied)