Fallis Judicial Review of Orillia Council Sanction Takes Place Tuesday
By John Swartz
The application under the Judicial Review Procedure Act Orillia councillor Jay Fallis brought against the City of Orillia and integrity commissioner Principles Integrity takes place in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Oshawa, Tuesday at 10 a.m.

The public may view the proceeding online and can request a link by emailing the court at Oshawa.SCJ.TC@ontario.ca

Fallis sought legal counsel during the process of deciding which proposal to develop the 70 Front Street North property would prevail. At issue is he disclosed information from closed session to his lawyer, which he is asserting is privileged just as the closed session meetings are.
Fallis claims it is his right to consult a lawyer regarding his obligations to the citizens of Orillia, and in this case disclosing the information was necessary in order to receive advice.
The City and the integrity commissioner said otherwise and council imposed a 45 day loss of pay on Fallis.
(Photos by Swartz – SUNonline/Orillia)