Couchiching Jubilee House Fundraiser
By John Swartz
For 22 years Couchiching Jubilee House has been helping women and children break out of their troubled circumstances and get them started on a road to independence. A significant portion of their operating budget is raised through fundraising.
For a 2nd year, they are having an online auction until June 24. The process is simple, each item is posted on their Facebook page, and after you’ve surveyed the comment section to find out what bids have already been made, you can add your bid as a comment under that item’s posting.
Each item has a minimum bid. Many of the items are gift certificates donated by area businesses. One of the premiere items is a fly-in fishing and hunting vacation provided by Kaby Lodge of Brechin Ontario. This is not a three day weekend for two at the pond next door to former Ramara mayor Bill Duffy’s farm. Kaby lodge is on Kabinakagami Lake in the Algoma District. The package is normally priced at $3.500 and the minimum bid is $1,750.
Many of the items are gift certificates from local businesses like Eclectic Cafe, the Mariposa Folk Festival, Casino Rama, Sunshine Car Wash and the Canadian National Exhibition, along with items like art by Melody Madden and S S Woodburning.

(Images Supplied) Main: Couchiching Jubilee House’s Paige Jakobczak with some of the auction items.