Have You Got An Idea?
By John Swartz
We’re all smart people and a whopping majority of us are concerned about climate change. Many people have found little life hacks, or started reducing their carbon footprint in their own way. Sometimes those changes of habit and practice turn out to be pretty easy to make, or return more for the investment in time and money than thought. Often times you think, “why don’t more people do this?”
Here’s your chance to pass on your knowledge. The folks at Sustainable Orillia want to collect stories for publication about your successful efforts. SUNonline/Orillia is partnering with Sustainable Orillia to work with you to tell others what you did, how you did it, and what the outcome is. It could be a way you found to reduce energy use (not just electricity), create less waste, reduce pollution, or how to recycle something (maybe in a non-traditional way) at home or at your business.
Just send an email to info@sunonlinemedia.ca or to fredlarsen@xplornet.com and give us the Cole’s Notes, or elevator pitch, of what you do that works, include contact info, and we’ll help develop your story. If you have photographs you move to the head of the class. If not, we’ll figure something out.
As a result of the Sustainable Orillia launch weekend in May there are already 180 ideas the sector committees are sifting through, some of them are long term, some medium, and some near term solutions or proposals. We know yours is already up and running, and working for you; it’s time to share.
You can visit the Sustainable Orillia website to find out more about the objectives and what sector descriptions are. You can also click on the environment tab above and see SUNonline/Orillia stories about Sustainable Orillia previously published.
(Photo by Pixabay)