Speak Up About The City Of Orillia’s 2025 Budget

The City of Orillia invites residents to have your say on the 2025 budget until August 16. Share your ideas and priorities through an online survey and various other opportunities.

Residents can get involved in shaping the City’s 2025 budget in several ways:

  1. Online Survey:Share your opinion through our online survey, where you can choose to quickly prioritize key areas or provide more detailed feedback on specific services and projects.
  2. Vision Boards: Visit our interactive boards at the Orillia Recreation Centre and the Orillia Public Library where you can rank your priorities among various service areas and leave comments. This approach will help Council and administration understand resident’s perspectives on municipal services, their importance, and priorities.
  3. A Test Your Knowledge Quiz:Are you a budget wiz? Take our short quiz to test your knowledge about the municipal budget process. It’s a fun and informative way to learn more about how the City manages its finances.

Budget deliberations will happen in November. The full schedule is online. Residents are encouraged to participate in advance and stay informed throughout the process by following updates on the City’s website and social media channels.

(Image Supplied)


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